Thursday, March 09, 2017

Hungary Newspaper


A video about a man and a cat taking shower together.

There’s a Hungarian man named Travis DesLaurier. He often posts videos about his cat, Jacob. Today, he posted a video of him and his cat taking shower together. After Travis DesLaurier finished his shower, he used his cat to wipe his body. Because so many people see this video, he got 60,000 likes within a day It was so astonishing!

Is this a pig or a sheep?

Look at this animal? Do you think it’s a pig or a sheep? I bet you haven’t seen this animal. It’s Mangalica, a Hungarian Endemic species. According to Bastille Post, Mangalica is a mix of Hungarian wild pig and Hungarian home pig. Mangalica is a pig with the thickest fat on earth. Fat covers 70% of its weight. It was first discovered in the 18th century. By 1970, the population of Mangalica was less than 200. In 1994, the Hungarian government decided to start protecting them.

Nazi Documents found in Hungarian couple’s home while renovating.

While a Hungarian couple was renovating their home, they discovered 135 pounds of really valuable Holocaust-era documents. Everyone thought that these important documents were destroyed during World War 2.
The couple found the 6,300 documents from a wall cavity. The documents are actually from the haul of 6,300 documents are from a 1944 census that was a precursor to the intended liquidation of the Hungarian capital's 200,000 Jews in Nazi death camps.
Brigitte Berdefy, co-owner of the apartment overlooking Hungary's parliament, said that in August a worker detected paper after jamming a screwdriver through a crack in the wall.
"We thought we'd ruined the neighbor's wallpaper," Berdefy told AFP.
But then her husband Gabor peered through the crack and saw what looked like handwriting.

1 comment:

  1. We think that the first two newspaper entries were very interesting, but we want to ask: How does a man showering with his cat relate to Hungary (other than the man being Hungarian)?
    The last entry is also really cool. A suggestion: next time, you could try to expand more on a topic that you're talking about (give some background information about the documents).
    —Felicia and Candace
